Q) How do I create a profile?
A) Click here to go to the signup page, fill out all the information and click "create new account"
Q) How do I connect to the live chat?
A) Firstly make sure you have a profile setup, then click here to access the web-based chat client.
Q) Do I need to update my Flash player?
A) You may need to update your Flash player to run the web-based chat, click here to check what version you are running and if an update is available. Try and connect first though, you will be prompted if you need to update your flash software.
Q) How do I connect via an IRC client?
A) Firstly make sure you have an IRC client installed and you have set up a profile on the website, then you will need to connect to (irc.welcome-chat.co.uk:6667) make sure you are using the nick you are registered on the website with and when prompted type /pass YourWebsitePass. We also support SSL on port 7000.
Q) I forgot my password, how do I reset it?
A) Click here to reset your password.
Q) How to enable your webcam?
A) To enable webcam firstly make sure you have your webcam plugged in, then open the Chat tab and you will find webcam setting in the box above the user list, if you want more settings go to the menu button in the bottom left of the chat window and select webcam.
Q) Why am I hearing echoing?
A) If you are hearing echoing there is multiple ways you can get around it:
- Use headphones.
- Turn the volume down on the users webcam you are watching.
Q) How to make your webcam private?
A) To make your webcam private go to the menu button in the bottom left of the chat window and select webcam, navigate to the "settings" tab and tick the private box. When your webcam is private only users you approve and webcam administrators will be able to view it.
Q) What does it mean when somebody has the cam icon next to their name with a red X
A) This means the user has set their webcam to private. If you click on the webcam icon it will ask the user for permission to view their webcam and if they approve you will be able to view it.